Saturday 3 March 2012

Bloggers on the move

It's been bright and sunny in Oslo the last couple of days while we've been visiting Elissa, Sam and Theo (and their parents, of course). Unfortunately, the big melt has been on for the last week, so there's oodles of dirty slush underfoot, lots of really slippy bits and, when you're off that, tons of winter grit to play havoc with plastic suitcase wheels. But it's been great boating weather.

In fact, many of the boating bloggers I keep tabs on seem to have decided it's time to make a move. They post sunny photos to match the mood and write with great enthusiasm of washed and polished paintwork, of mechanical niggles resolved, of the disposal of winter clutter. They radiate infectious joy about each passing landmark, even though you know they've been that way many times before.

Quite envious, really. We'd always thought of the end of March as the time to make our move, what with the the other stuff we've committed ourselves to. We'd thought we wouldn't be ready for life on board until then. Now that seems to have been too pessimistic a prognostication. Perhaps March will blow a wintry hoolie and make us glad we're still snug in the South.

Wonder what Erin Mae's thinking. Perhaps we should pay her a visit and find out.


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