Monday 3 June 2013

Not movin' on

Our mooring has lots going for it,

so we've decided to stay, make the most of Kinver, walk Kinver Edge on Wednesday, visit the Holy Austin rock houses on Thursday (the earliest they'll be open), and run the engine when we have to. Meanwhile there are others staying put, as well.

This moorhen appeared to be engaged in construction of something under the overhang. Since there were also some batches of moorhenlings in tow – would they be nesting again so soon?

On our walk back from inspecting the visitor moorings below Kinver lock, we said hello to Andrew and Kathryn (her blog is here) on NB Polyphony. It was the boat's name that prompted the encounter – there had to be a musical conversation in there somewhere! And so it transpired – lots of music in their family. Kathryn's own forte is singing, and it was interesting to get her take on what I might do about the rusting away of my own voice. Nice to meet you, guys – hope you get a nice balance between the rest of your break, and the need to get back for that meeting.

Hm… since we're not movin' on, might get the guitar out in the cratch this evening.


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