Friday 3 July 2015

Haigh Ho

After yesterday's energetics up Wigan flight in the rain, it was a day for Erin Mae to stay put and for us to go on a gentle ramble in the sun and shade through the grounds of Haigh Hall, just across the canal from us.

It was built in the 19th century by the Earl of Bacarres, to replace an older house. Peter, our CRT volunteer from yesterday, informs us that the Earl was obsessive about the project, to the point of hiding up trees to watch the work to ensure it was being done as he wished.

These days it's in the hands of Wigan Council, who let out the house for events, and who are developing the grounds and other buildings as a leisure resource.

We went up via bridge 61 and found the usual café and children's play areas, and a small group of arty-crafty shops in the stable courtyard.

We nearly had a round of putting, but settled for a very nice home-made Bakewell tart, and then wandered out towards the walled garden.

It was a pleasant space, mixing lawns and bedding…

with hedgerows and perennials.

Further out into the woods we came across a wildlife conservation pond…

and a miniature railway which seemed to have quite an extensive run.

Following our noses we eventually found our way down to bridge 60,

and back onto the towpath,

 to make a nice circular stroll, just what was needed today.

Tomorrow we'll move on (though not far), but for today it's been good to stop for a bit.


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