The most northerly fishing village in the world!

The most northerly railway in the world (through the minibus window)
Two of the delights of yesterday and today. We didn't travel on the railway – crossed over it on our way to do some snowmobiling.
It was -22 in the sun, while the wind-chill factor (we were told) dropped it down to lower than -40. I don't remember my beard growing icicles before – and that was inside the helmet. Afterwards they took us into the tepee for coffee and strips of dried reindeer meat, while the expedition leader dressed in a Sami shaman's hat and sang us a Sami song. Hm…
We've now docked briefly in Vardø. In about 20 minutes, some brave souls are going swimming in the Barents Sea. I shan't be one of them – had enough cold fun for one day!