Tuesday 24 May 2016

Out and about

We could have spent the day cleaning and tidying and I don't know what, but it was time to get going. The engine started without a hiccup after its six-month lay-off, and we strolled gently along the T&M to Haywood lock.

A GRP queued behind us as we helped the boat in front and another coming up. We haven't done this since last October!

A pair of proud parents were also out on the water.

So how far would we go? We'd often thought the stretch between Haywood and Colwich locks was a nice place for boats to moor, but never done so ourselves, since it's only just down from our marina berth. So we thought we'd tie here for lunch in the sun.

Very nice it was, too. So we sat, and read, and sat and read and then decided to stay the night. One mile, one lock – that's about the shortest day's cruising we've ever done!


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