Sunday 14 September 2014

The good, the bad and the ugly

Leaving the Vale Royal lock this morning, we found the rowers out in force (to be truthful I think they were all scullers). Some were pretty good, some rather obviously at an earlier stage of perfection.

I don't think I've often had to think at the same time about quite so many factors influencing where I should steer. The river is wide, but they seem to take up so much room. I suppose if Oxford and Cambridge can crash with the whole width of the Thames at their disposal, it's best to give them a wide berth. But then the fishermen were also out, and certainly didn't want us encroaching on their territory (or is that aquatory?). Sigh…

After a stop for essential supplies in Northwich we carried on northwards, past the Anderton boat lift and on to yet new territory. Past and present industry still blights the scenery in places.

Why does the local community continue to tolerate this uglification of their patch?

With the talk about a shortage of new housing, it surely isn't beyond the bounds of imagination to pull this eyesore down, and build some attractive dwellings near the river. But perhaps the problem is still that no one actually wants to live in the parts of England where brown field sites are a-plenty.

Just half a mile on, and we have this spot for our mooring tonight – Barnton cut.

Could be worse, couldn't it!


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