Monday, 1 August 2016

Safe and sound

Our friends Mark and Cheryl have reported that Erin Mae is back in dock, and all's well! They seem to have had a great time.

They got far further than we would have done – down to the Severn at Stourport and back, in the space of nine days. And they even had time to call in (twice!) at Jaspers in Penkridge for goodies. I suppose when you have the use of a boat for a limited time, you just cruise. Keeps the kids out of trouble.

Interesting, especially in the light of my Pennies from heaven post, was their diesel consumption. They logged 64 hours travel time, and consumed 58.6 litres. Even with the natural speed limits on this stretch (and as careful borrowers) under 1 litre / hour is pretty impressive. Perhaps Erin Mae's engine is improving with age (don't we all?).


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