To ensure the day wasn't completely wasted, we went for a good walk at Barton-on-Sea this afternoon – we think it's legitimate to call the cliff-top and beach "local". It was hot so, seeing a couple with some ice-cream tubs, we followed our noses to the little convenience store / Post Office, and walked down from the cliff with a couple of the original "Feast".

It's a long time since we had ice-cream. But we walked it off in the afternoon sun. Once again, there were few people about, though some families had come down to the beach. My best beloved was pleased to spot some wild lupins.

About 3 km in all, though our unexercised legs told us it was longer. Back home in time for a cup of time, a couple of pastries bought yesterday from 9-year-old Naomi across the road (all proceeds to the NHS support charities), and a nice long FaceTime chat with our grandchildren in Dulwich and their parents. Not quite the excitement of VE day yesterday, but very satisfying.
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