Monday 8 July 2013

Pram cover

I don't remember being in our pram, but I remember younger brother in it.  Folding hood 'n' all. It's no surprise that the cover for a narrowboat's cruiser stern gets the "pram" label. And today Mark came to finish the job. We couldn't have stopped overnight in a better place for it – the Bumble Hole nature conservation area at the southern end of Netherton tunnel.

With volunteers Norman (hair) and John (six London marathons to his name) on site to serve teas and create a nice atmosphere.

So Mark got busy with the dodger.

Then it was the top cover.

On with the sides.

Still a bit to do.

Front window going in place.

Job done!

We're really pleased (a) that we decided to go ahead with it, seizing the opportunity presented by passing Wilson's in Kinver at the beginning of June – they've been brilliant; (b) that we opted for the maroon colour.

Cruising today down the eight locks of the Delph flight we discovered a complication. The cover folds forward so as not to interfere with the cruiser stern rail. That meant I could no longer easily get up to and down from the boat's roof, because the cover was just where I would be putting my feet. Now my best beloved and I had been developing a nice double act for doing the locks, which involved me being out of the boat and helping with the paddles and gates. Especially useful when there was no little bridge across the lock by the bottom gates. So my best beloved thinks we need to find a way to fold down the hood that leaves me able to scramble up and out (or down and in) with as great a felicity (read "feline elegance") as I have done heretofore. I, on the other hand, am extremely concerned about the new cover and think it is probably my duty to remain on deck to avoid trampling it. I know it involves me in a little less strenuous exercise, but sacrifices must be made.

Be that as it may, today we found an excellent young helper in Brandon, who decided that assisting with the gates was every bit as good as the fishing he'd been doing with his mates.

Thanks, Brandon. And thanks, Mark, for the work on the cover.


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