Wednesday 2 October 2013


Choosing which items to spend your small fortune on is clearly tricky. In Erin Mae's case experience, advice and circumstances led to a decision to buy a device that combines the output from the two alternators. Its cunning technology is supposed to charge the batteries both more quickly and more efficiently. The intended result is that we have to run the engine far less just for charging purposes. Since Kings Lock Chandlery had one of these items in stock, we decided to bite the bullet and make another contribution to Steve and Sheena's pension fund.

No wonder they look so happy! Steve called in Sandra, who does their marine electrical stuff, and she got busy. She got into the cupboard to cut the hole for the cables.

She got down on hands and knees to set up the unit.

She mounted it on the wall of the cupboard,

and connected up the cables she'd fashioned. You wouldn't believe what that stuff costs per metre!

And so, since it had all taken rather longer than anticipated, we decided to stay another night in Middlewich, and came up Wardle lock again, kindly assisted by "Incognito" of King Lock Basin, who decided his exercise for the day would consist of walking round and working the lock for us.

Many thanks, Master Incognito. Look forward to seeing you and your boat again some day.

And many thanks to Steve, Sheena and Keith of Kings Lock Chandlery for the help given over the last few days.


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