Sunday 16 June 2013


This morning we walked up into the centre of Evesham again, discovering a short cut as we did so. The Vale of Evesham Christian Centre sponsors a community project known as Caring Hands, and it was interesting to meet up with the church at their morning worship and find they are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the project. "Vale of Evesham" doesn't immediately conjure up pictures of homelessness and so on, but experience shows any area has its needy people. It was good to see a church trying to address an aspect of the issues on their doorstep.

By the time we got back to Erin Mae, it was spitting with rain and thoughts of washing her were fast disappearing. Then I found that I could get coverage of the rain-delayed tennis at Queen's via the mobile broadband link, and that we probably had enough gigabytes left on this month's allowance to let us watch Andy Murray in action. So, with that on the computer and coverage of England's cricket match on the DAB radio in the background, I thumbed my nose at inadequacy of the TV reception and we passed a suitably soporific afternoon.

Result, result, result. I.e.: reception after all, Murray won, England won. Very satisfactory. As were the lamb leg steaks bought yesterday, grilled tonight with all the trimmings and a tomato-based sauce specially invented, on the hoof, for the purpose. I'll be ready for bed after the strawberries and cream (we're in the Vale of Evesham, remember!).


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