Thursday 22 September 2016

Sunny days, chilly evenings

We've had the fire lit the last couple of evenings. Clear skies in the day have been great, but have led to chilly evenings. As I first got the fire going I found that the sealing rope round the lower (ash-tray) door was no longer doing its job.

The chandlery at Nantwich marina was able to sell me a length of fire-door rope and the glue to stick it in. The last time I did this job it was on the actual fire-door, and a very helpful guy at Penkridge sold me the right rope and gave me some tips on how to do it. I’m hoping that what I’ve bought today is going to be right size. We shall see!

North from Nantwich is the start of the Llangollen canal.

We debated turning up towards Wales, but decided to leave it for another year. On to the junction at Barbridge and another decision – straight on to Chester or right to Middlewich? We stopped just before the junction and considered the options while eating some of my best beloved’s excellent soup, taking on water and chatting with the volunteers painting bits and pieces around the CRT station.

By the time the water-tank was full, the decision was finalised to turn down the Middlewich branch, and we’ve tied up just before the first lock.

Now I shall have to see if I can do the job with the fire-door rope in time to get us warm tonight!


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