Saturday 8 August 2015

Silsden boats

There was plenty to do – shopping, coffee, rejoicing in the cricket, etc – before we reversed down to Silsden Boats' water point at 4 p.m. That was the time at which they should have finished sending off the latest bunch of hirers, leaving the water point accessible.

On this occasion the last boat seemed to have a problem they were still sorting, and it finally set out just as we ourselves were ready to leave.

These were first-timers, and came pretty quickly to their first swing bridge. Manoeuvring the boats was quite tricky in the wind, and they had to work out several bridge-swinging techniques, including that of making sure the children didn't fall in while adults were busy with handcuff keys and bridges that wouldn't budge.

My best beloved hopped off and helped on the off-side, and then stopped to chat about the next challenges once the bridge was back in position.

Meanwhile, James and Roberta (and Paddy the dog) were having a very exciting time – out on the boat for a whole week, and they're going to sleep on board! James did an excellent job of handing me the bow line as his dad brought the bows to the towpath, while the wind was trying to blow him off.

We were first to the next bridge, so they overtook us. We moored up just before the next bridge which has an electric barrier, but my best beloved went up to check they were fine, and found someone else had been there to help.

It's nice to be re-living some of the first boating adventures that we ourselves had, even as we get ready for the adventure of having the grandchildren on board next week.


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