Monday, 10 August 2015

Viking invasion

Enterprise hire-car people picked us up at 8 this morning, and we drove over to Manchester Airport to meet Elissa (11), Sam (10) and Theo (7) flying in from Oslo. McDonalds on the way back was both the easiest and a highly popular way of managing lunch.

Back in Kildwick we went down to the school playing field which is open for all to use, and let off lots of pent-up energy with a rugby ball. We also introduced them to French cricket.

Sam says:
"It was nice to be in the aeroplane but it made a lot of noise! We played French cricket and it was a lot of fun. And we played at the swings."

Theo says:
"I got some crisps on the aeroplane, and everything was free! This afternoon we played some games."

Well it's eight days ahead of us. We're going to have fun! How much blogging energy I'll have remains to be seen.


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