Sunday, 26 September 2021


It's a year since Mancetter Marina opened, so they decided to have a celebration. There was cake.

There was a BBQ, salads and puddings,

all organised by Kathryn, the excellent marina manager.

There were (in the end) lots of marina users, enjoying the food and the Pimms.

There were gate-crashers,

though, to be fair, they passed with a cheery wave and didn't stop.

And there was music.

Jim (guitar and lead vocals), Ben (fiddle, bodhran, vocals) and Lloyd (banjo, vocals) form Finnegan's Revival. From which you might think they were brought over from Kerry, but they're actually from Polesworth. And very good they were, playing and singing a selection of mostly Irish tunes, including "King of the Fairies" and "Rattling bog" which I hadn't heard or sung in decades. 

 It was a good opportunity to chat with some of the other marina clients, including Kate, who lives on NB Sunflower. We had a very enjoyable time. 


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