Thursday 16 September 2021


Today we were on a mission to get some stuff we needed from Aldi. I'd identified two such emporia in Nuneaton, so it was a question of working out whether we could catch a bus. The Stagecoach website turned out to be really frustrating! It told me something about the wrong buses, but nothing useful about the bus I thought was the right one. I was engaged in this research about 11 p.m. last night, and all it would tell me was that the Nº10 wasn't coming any time soon! It was as well the local authority website furnished me with a PDF of local routes, and some other helpful site indicated that the Nº10 ran every 10 minutes or so.

I don't know if there's a graveyard for dead stagecoaches, but coming north from Hawkesbury Junction you pass a boating equivalent.

It felt like the local depot for Or perhaps someone had an idea for a profitable scrap business, and got overwhelmed. We didn't see any sign of activity. Nor did we, when coming again to the Nuneaton allotments. Nobody ever seems to be actually tilling the soil. However, we did spot a brave bunch of (slightly windblown) sunflowers crying out to be seen.

We stopped at Bridge 21, and duly caught the bus to Aldi and back – round the houses and squeezing through impossible spaces between parked vehicles. Then we decided to moor up just a couple of hundred yards further on. opposite a recreation ground, on what had become a fine, sunny afternoon.


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